
  • 金·贝辛格 方·基默 特伦斯·斯坦普 杰拉德·萨尔汀
  • 120分钟
  • 职业偷窃高手凯伦在一次行动中被捕入狱。出狱后,贼阿…职业偷窃高手凯伦在一次行动中被捕入狱。出狱后,贼阿巴即找她合作,计划爆破国家银行,盗取保险库中的巨款。同时,贼阿巴又找来另一偷窃高手J.L.,一切部署完成后,两人旋即以熟练技巧打开保险库,当他们看到花花绿绿的银纸后,立即作出决定……Karen McCoy (Kim Basinger) is released from prison with nothing but the clothes on her back. Before being incarcerated Karen was the bank robber of her time, but now she wishes for nothing more than to settle down and start a new life. Unfortunately between a dirty parole officer, old business partners, and an idiot ex-husband she will have to do the unthinkable in order to save her son (Zack English) and new heart throb J.T. (Val Kilmer): another job.


电影霹雳神偷(国语版)由金·贝辛格,方·基默,特伦斯·斯坦普,杰拉德·萨尔汀倾情出演,豆瓣评分8.0 分,在美国火热播出,影片英文名:pilishentouguoyuban ,电影霹雳神偷(国语版)剧情讲述了职业偷窃高手凯伦在一次行动中被捕入狱。出狱后,贼阿巴即找她合作,计划爆破国家银行,盗取保险库中的巨款。同时,贼阿巴又找来另一偷窃高手J.L.,一切部署完成后,两人旋即以熟练技巧打开保险库,当他们看到花花绿绿的银纸后,立即作出决定……Karen McCoy (Kim Basinger) is released from prison with nothing but the clothes on her back. Before being incarcerated Karen was the bank robber of her time, but now she wishes for nothing more than to settle down and start a new life. Unfortunately between a dirty parole offic星辰影院提供电影霹雳神偷(国语版)全集高清未删减完整版在线观看,霹雳神偷(国语版)手机免费观看,星辰影院从互联网自动 收集了精彩电影《霹雳神偷(国语版)》片源供广大影视爱好者分享,请大家支持正版电影。


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